Coronavirus & Dentistry

Please play the video below for our COVID-19 message

On March 16th, 2020 we postponed all dental appointments at DentArtisans Pyrmont Sydney Australia to limit the risk of transmitting Coronavirus. We will resume providing Dental Care after it is safe to do so.

Handwashing can save your life

Below is a video showing effective handwashing techniques

Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands. This helps prevent acquiring and spreading infections and viruses such as COVID-19

Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands. This helps prevent acquiring and spreading infections and virusesbecause:

  • Without realising we frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth. The germs find an easy entry into our body through the eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks as they are prepared and consumed

  • Such germs and viruses can multiply in some types of foods or drinks

  • Unwashed hands can be transferred pathogens to objects, like door handles, handrails, table tops and toys when then transferred are transferred to another person’s hands.

  • Removing germs through handwashing therefore helps prevent many illneses including diarrhoea and respiratory infections and may even help prevent skin and eye infections.


Using Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers

Alcohol-based hand rub gel should be used when hands are visibly clean instead of handwashing because they:

  • Substantially reduce bacterial count on hands

  • Require less time than handwashing

  • Are more accessible

  • Are self-drying

  • Are gentler on skin and cause less skin irritation and dryness than frequent soap and water washes, since all hand rubs contain skin moisturisers